25 degrees… 60 degrees… 40 degrees...

Dealing with Colorado's weather is exciting and fun for some, and down rite difficult for others!  If you find yourself struggling with your mood, motivation, or energy level when the weather shifts… you may not have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD); you may just be dealing with Colorado!  Some tips on increasing your overall well-being through the colorful Colorado winter:

Mood: Try to do something that makes you smile at least one time a day; this could be as simple as admiring the beauty in the sky, being grateful for your family/job/pets/friends, being proud of something you've accomplished.  

Motivation: Create a small list of items you would like achieve each day, week, month AND Give yourself the freedom to do something spontaneous!  

Energy:  All I can say is EXERCISE and MOVEMENT!  This can be full on working out at the gym or dancing in your living room to your favorite song.  When you move, you will create energy!

Most of all, just know it's normal to experience a mood shift when the weather shifts!  Hang in there… what do they say in Colorado?  If you don't like the weather, wait 20 minutes :)  

Happy 2015!


2014 is gone, now 2015 is here!  Most like to talk about resolutions, but we at A Purposeful Path like to help people find reasonable goals for the year.  So what do you want to accomplish this week, this month, this year?  What goals do you have for your self, your relationships, your career?  Are there things you are struggling with and need some additional support or guidance? If so, we are here to help.  We are ready to help you through whatever challenges or goals you may want to embark on for 2015!  

The holiday season

It's that time of year again - the holidays are here.  It doesn't matter what religion or nationality we are, the holidays can be a wonderful or a very stressful time of year.  It seems like Thanksgiving was just here and now we are 14 days away from the dawn of a New Year!  Feeling stressed?  Try these on for size:  http://marc.ucla.edu/mpeg/05_Loving_Kindness_Meditation.mp3


Feeling wonderful: try to spread the joy and cheer!

Remember, not everyone is feeling the way you are right now.  If all do our part, we can make a big difference in making this time of year special.  Happy December 17th to you!  

Making friends

I had someone ask me about making friends, and I cannot tell you how often this subject comes up!  So, the real question is HOW to make friends, and the real interesting part is learning how to KEEP friends.  To help with this topic, I refer to a trusty resource, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People.  Here are some quotes from the book:
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
“Winning friends begins with friendliness.”

I think this subject emerges due to the common knowledge that people with friends statistically rate themselves higher on happiness scales.  So, naturally, Dale Carnegie's book would address happiness too:
“Everybody in the world is seeking happiness—and there is one sure way to find it. That is by controlling your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions.” 

So, the next time you think you need more friends, or are struggling to make friends, check out Mr. Carnegie's book.  I'm sure there is something we all could take from learning more about making friends and keeping friends. 

Why not you?

Just something we thought you might enjoy/need to hear today:

"Why Not You? Today, many will awaken with a fresh sense of inspiration. Why not you? Today, many will open their eyes to the beauty that surrounds them. Why not you? Today, many will choose to leave the ghost of yesterday behind and seize the immeasurable power of today. Why not you? Today, many will break through the barriers of the past by looking at the blessings of the present. Why not you? Today, for many the burden of self doubt and insecurity will be lifted by the security and confidence of empowerment. Why not you? Today, many will rise above their believed limitations and make contact with their powerful innate strength. Why not you? Today, many will choose to live in such a manner that they will be a positive role model for their children. Why not you? Today, many will choose to free themselves from the personal imprisonment of their bad habits. Why not you? Today, many will choose to live free of conditions and rules governing their own happiness. Why not you? Today, many will find abundance in simplicity. Why not you? Today, many will be confronted by difficult moral choices and they will choose to do what is right instead of what is beneficial. Why not you? Today, many will decide to no longer sit back with a victim mentality, but to take charge of their lives and make positive changes. Why not you? Today, many will take the action necessary to make a difference. Why not you? Today, many will make the commitment to be a better mother, father, son, daughter, student, teacher, worker, boss, brother, sister, & so much more. Why not you? Today is a new day! Many will seize this day, and live it to the fullest.  Why not you?"  --STEVE MARABOLI

Making the most of the moment

At A Purposeful Path, we truly believe in making the most of each and every moment in life.  We also know that this is something many people struggle with… and rightfully so- it's hard work!!  So, if you're needing a little guidance on how this works - here are some helpful links:





Remember - it just takes a little practice.  Try taking the risk in becoming more aware moment to moment.  Then you'll be able to develop the ability to make the most of each moment as it unfolds.  

Breathe Yoga & Wellness Festival

Here at A Purposeful Path, we strive to promote health and wellness in all we do.  Some people struggle to get started with or to become re-motivated to engage in the topic of wellness. If this is you, or you are looking for something to do on 7/19 & 7/20--The Breathe Yoga & Wellness Festival in Loveland might just be for you!  http://www.breatheforyou.com

So, put this festival on your to-do list - we know we are!!  Hope to see you there!!


Where has this year gone?

Spring is almost complete, and summer is right around the corner.  Feel like you're still stuck in 2013…1999…1975…?  If you feel as though the beginning of this year has just FLOWN by, you may benefit from a little mindfulness… being in the present moment, without judgement.  As Buddha wrote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."   We understand that this seems MUCH more difficult than it sounds, and we encourage you to just try it.  Just try to create a pause in your life, even for one moment.  Try to pause, observe and absorb the present moment.  Think about what would happen if you tried this a couple of times a day… maybe the days, weeks, and months wouldn't fly by soooo fast :)  

Empathy vs. Sympathy

Have you ever thought about the difference between empathy versus sympathy?  We have!!  At A Purposeful Path, we strive to provide a safe, empathetic environment for all those we see.   Sympathy is what a lot of people get from others when we are going through a difficult time.  We all could use a little bit more empathy in our lives… check out this video for a clearer understanding of empathy versus sympathy:




How to be the BEST you possible

Research has shown that the secret to success is not how much money we make or how motivated we are to succeed.  Hardiness is the key to being successful and having high productivity in all areas of our life.  With over 35 years of research, Dr. Salvatore Maddi, founder of The Hardiness Institute, has discovered that there are certain traits people can develop and trainings they can engage in to become more emotionally resilient or "hardy."  Dr. Maddi, who authored the book Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You, describes the most important characteristics of hardiness as the three C's: commitment, control and challenge.  

  • Commitment involves one’s ability to stick with something even when things get tough.  
  • Having a sense of control within yourself involves the belief that you can make things different through your own efforts.  
  • A hardy person will see the things that come at them as challenges, even opportunities for growth, as opposed to overwhelming stressors

So how can you aim to incorporate these three C's into your life, to be the BEST you possible?  

Read more at  http://www.psychologytoday.com/collections/201403/the-secret-high-productivity/the-secret-success?tr=HomeColItem


We just received a newsletter claiming that "6% of 2014 is already gone"… while this might be anxiety or irritation provoking for some, at A Purposeful Path we would encourage each of you to look at this mindfully, and wonder what you plan to do with the 94% left in 2014 :)

Is there something you've always dreamt of doing?  Somewhere you've wanted to go, and haven't?  

Do you have career goals, or life transitional goals?  Have you toyed with the idea of getting into better physical shape?  

Is this THE year to end old unhealthy habits?  The year to start a new with letting go of something painful?

Whatever you may aspire to do in 2014, know you CAN DO IT.  If you are needing a little bit of help, just know we are here, and happy to help.  

HAPPY 2014!!  


Happiness - what's it all about?

It seems like many people wonder what the "secret" to happiness… I guess that's why there are so many anti-depressants, self-help books, and "miracle" cures out there. 

At A Purposeful Path, we'd encourage you to seek your own form of happiness.  To be mindful about your life, and seek a healthy balance in life.  If these don't sound too inspiring, the following link is an interesting presentation on happiness, that presents this topic in a unique way...



Bullying & Empathy

Bullying is real.  It happens everyday.  Not only to children, adolescents, and young adults... it happens to people across the lifespan.  Researchers suggest one very practical way to help others steer away from bullying is to teach empathy.  If kiddos are taught empathy, and adults understand empathy, it can help reduce the impact of bullying.  Try these steps to increase empathy with children:

1.  Help identify and validate your child's emotional experience.  You may not always agree with their behavior, but you can help them identify and self-regulate their own emotions. 
2. Teach kiddos to walk a mile in someone else's' shoes.  Help them find the common ground with people. 
3. Show kiddos physical affection (which helps increase the level of oxytocin, the "bonding hormone", which aids in decreasing anxiety and increasing connection between people).

We all could use a little more empathy in life.  So try these steps with your kiddos, and attempt to be more empathetic in your day to day responsibilities :) 


National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is Almost OVER!

September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month.  With September coming to a close, we would like for all who see this to be mindful that suicide prevention and awareness can happen ALL YEAR LONG.  If you know someone who is struggling in their own life, or someone who has been affected by suicide, please refer to the following resources:


http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/       1-800-273-8255

Just know, there are people to talk to or chat with 24/7.  Try not to suffer alone; let's all wear a yellow ribbon to support those in need.

Fruits and Vegetable Rx?

We all know that adding fruits and vegetables to our diets is VERY healthy for our bodies... but what if you could get a prescription for these from your doctor?  How great would that be?1?  Check out how some New Yorker's are making that happen...


So, try to add a little color to your life by making room in your diet/meals for some fruits and veggies! 

Happy Birthday!

 Today officially marks one year that A Purposeful Path has been working to help individuals, couples, families, and children.  We want to say thank you to all of the people who have chosen A Purposeful Path for their needed support and we look forward to all the future people that will choose our services.  We thoroughly enjoy what we do... assisting others find their Purposeful Path in life!  --- Ginger & Hannah

Holiday Weekend

Well, Labor Day weekend is officially here... which means different things to all of us: the end of summer, the beginning of the school year, the end of months of fun, getting back into the "work" mode...

So, whatever this holiday weekend represents for you - try to make the most of it!!  Get out and enjoy the festivities that surround us:  Mackelmore concert, Going into Old Town, Taste of Colorado, Go to a Tiki Dance, or Attend a Harvest Festival.

Remember, it's always an option to enjoy time great friends and family, and/or experience our beautiful state! 

Whatever you may choose to do, try to be mindful of your intention!  Have a wonderful weekend!! 



Reducing judgment = Increasing self control

We have all heard the phrase "We are our own worse enemy" and what this means is we can have a tendency to be the most self-critical, non-accepting, judgmental person we know.  In therapy with A Purposeful Path, we strive to assist people in having compassion toward oneself AND we know that it is hard to do!  The following website has a step-by-step exercise that may help:


To sum this exercise up, it is attempting to assist individuals' with increasing self-control, or basically, will power.  If one's will power can increase, then making healthier decisions can improve, and one can be less critical, less judgmental, and more accepting.  So, maybe, give it a try :)