Bullying & Empathy

Bullying is real.  It happens everyday.  Not only to children, adolescents, and young adults... it happens to people across the lifespan.  Researchers suggest one very practical way to help others steer away from bullying is to teach empathy.  If kiddos are taught empathy, and adults understand empathy, it can help reduce the impact of bullying.  Try these steps to increase empathy with children:

1.  Help identify and validate your child's emotional experience.  You may not always agree with their behavior, but you can help them identify and self-regulate their own emotions. 
2. Teach kiddos to walk a mile in someone else's' shoes.  Help them find the common ground with people. 
3. Show kiddos physical affection (which helps increase the level of oxytocin, the "bonding hormone", which aids in decreasing anxiety and increasing connection between people).

We all could use a little more empathy in life.  So try these steps with your kiddos, and attempt to be more empathetic in your day to day responsibilities :)