How to be the BEST you possible

Research has shown that the secret to success is not how much money we make or how motivated we are to succeed.  Hardiness is the key to being successful and having high productivity in all areas of our life.  With over 35 years of research, Dr. Salvatore Maddi, founder of The Hardiness Institute, has discovered that there are certain traits people can develop and trainings they can engage in to become more emotionally resilient or "hardy."  Dr. Maddi, who authored the book Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You, describes the most important characteristics of hardiness as the three C's: commitment, control and challenge.  

  • Commitment involves one’s ability to stick with something even when things get tough.  
  • Having a sense of control within yourself involves the belief that you can make things different through your own efforts.  
  • A hardy person will see the things that come at them as challenges, even opportunities for growth, as opposed to overwhelming stressors

So how can you aim to incorporate these three C's into your life, to be the BEST you possible?