When Terror Strikes...

Our hearts go out to the city of Boston, amidst ​the aftermath of the bombing at the Patriot Day Boston Marathon.  Our supportive thoughts go out to all of those affected by this tragedy, and we hope for speed in the investigation efforts for this event.  We want to list some suggestions for opening discussions about this unfortunate event... all we can do is keep healthy discussions going to ensure that we as a country know how to respond when terror strikes.
How to talk to your kids:  Let your kiddos know it's okay to ask about this type of event, and thank them for asking.  Be honest; let your children know the objective facts about the event.  Try to prevent over-thinking these types of events, and remind your children that they are safe.  
How to talk to other adults:  Be open to discussions regarding emotional reactions to this type of event.  Acts of terror have happened over the decades, and it needs to be safe for adults to correspond about their personal connection to other tragic events.  Try to use this type of event to build sense of community, and country-wide awareness as we seek to support one another in moving through these types of experiences.  

Anywhere in the world, terror can strike at any point.  Let's not use this as a reason to be overly fearful all the time.  It's been great to hear about the overwhelming courage and support of the first responders in Boston (volunteers, police and firefighters, medical professionals, and helping bystanders).  If we can choose to focus on this as a country, it feels pretty good to be American.   
                                                                                                     ​----- Hannah & Ginger 

The Power of Choice, Just for Today

"Ultimately, happiness comes down to choosing between the discomfort of becoming aware of your mental afflictions and the discomfort of being ruled by them"​ -- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.
​There is no doubt that things in life can create discomfort in a variety of ways (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, within relationships, at work, ect).  It is common to ignore our individual ability to choose how to manage these discomforts.  Just for today, try to pay attention to your discomforts, and attempt to manage them in a healthy way! 

The Joys of Parenting

No April Fools' Day joke here...For some people, deciding to have children ​is not difficult; yet, parenting can definitely be difficult, challenging and trying at times.  We'd like to share some potentially helpful websites and blogs regarding parenting that may inspire each of you to be reminded of the excitement, joyfulness, and humor of parenting:

Mindfulness of Breathing

We all breathe, all the time... but have you ever attempted to use your breathe to assist in reaching a calmer state of mind?  If you add mindfulness to your breathing, it may become a meditative practice!  This practice works mainly through us withdrawing our attention from distracting thoughts and redirecting our attention to the physical sensations of the breath. By doing so, we are putting less energy into the emotional states of restlessness, anxiety, craving, ill will, etc that drive those thoughts. Over time the mind becomes calmer and our emotional states become more balanced and positive, and our experience becomes more positive.

Want to know more?  Visit this website for additional information:  ​http://www.wildmind.org/mindfulness

TGIF = abundance in life

Thank Goodness it's Friday!  Spring is in the air, as winter comes to a close... Try to find some inspiration from the transitioning of the seasons.  Look for inspiration for finding abundance in life!  Ideas:  think about planting a garden, visit the Zoo, try a new recipe, redecorate a room in your home, listen to some new or different music, visit a "tourist-y" spot in our area, go bird-watching, go to the mountains!
"The source of all abundance is not outside you.  It is part of who you are….The acknowledgment of that abundance that is all around you awakens the dormant abundance within", Eckhart Tolle, 2009.

How Emotionally Intelligent are You?

Emotional intelligence can mean so many things, yet for parenting, this refers to "emotional coaching".  Dr. John Gottman has identified a five element method for emotional coaching within parenting...
​1.  Be aware of a child's emotions    
​2.  Recognize emotional expression as an opportunity for intimacy and teaching
​3.  Listen empathetically and validate a child's feelings    
​4.  Label emotions in words a child can understand    
​5.  Help a child come up with an appropriate way to solve a problem or deal with an upsetting issue or situation

​Utilize these elements to assist in developing your child's emotional intelligence.  To learn more, visit:  http://www.gottman.com/48995/Parenting--BBH.html


St. Patrick's Day isn't just for the Irish!

One doesn't have to be Irish to take something from St. Patrick's Day... The Irish are known for many things; one of them being wisdom.  Here are some quotes to help us all find a little luck and clarity this St. Patty's Day weekend.  ​
​                           "Continual cheerfulness is a sign of wisdom."                           
​                           "You'll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind."
​                           "A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures."

​For more visit 
Don't forget to wear green!!​

Parks and Recreation anyone?

When was the last time you GOT OUTSIDE?  The weather may not always cooperate, but getting outside can help improve your mood!  We live in such a beautiful area, why not? :)  Go for a walk/hike, visit a park, or explore the mountains!  

Smiling CAN be Contagious!

A group in Boston is committed to making the city a HAPPIER place, by conducting social experiments where participants greet the public with a smile and an...orange.  I think we can all try to take something from this group, and try to make Northern Colorado a HAPPIER place, one smile at a time!  